An Arizona prenuptial agreement is primarily designed to protect the personal property that is acquired by an individual prior to entering into a marriage. Without an Arizona prenuptial agreement, individuals face the possibility of the Arizona court deciding how assets and property will be divided in the event of the dissolution of a marriage. The court treats this just as they do when an individual dies and they do not have a will. The cost of working with an attorney to prepare an Arizona prenuptial agreement is minimal compared to the facing property division without an Arizona prenuptial agreement in the event that your marriage ends. Call an Enholm Law, PLLC Arizona Attorney for a consultation to discuss your Arizona prenuptial agreement today.
Common Misconceptions
While most people know what an Arizona prenuptial agreement is for, many people have misconceptions about them. The idea that an Arizona prenuptial agreement is only for the rich and famous is once common misconception. Every individual who has any property or assets to protect prior to entering into a contract of marriage should have one.
Another common misconception is that by preparing an Arizona prenuptial agreement, they are saying to their future spouse that they believe the marriage is not going to work out. It would be better to think of entering into a marriage as you would enter into any business agreement. It is always best to be proactive and show your partner that you are not only willing to protect your individual financial interests, but their interests as well.
Full Disclosure
Any serious relationship is based on trust and trust can be built on full and complete disclosure, not only about our personal lives but our financial status as well. Not only is it in the best interests of your relationship to have this type of disclosure, it is also the law when preparing an Arizona prenuptial agreement. It is in your best interests to be completely forthcoming with your attorney and the courts concerning your financial status when preparing an Arizona prenuptial agreement.
Protect Your Rights
It is your right to protect your personal property and your financial assets when entering into a marriage in the state of Arizona. Taking the time to prepare for the future is a good first step to a healthy marriage and a bright future.
Contact us at (602) 889-6273 to arrange for a consultation to discuss your Arizona prenuptial agreement today.