We are committed to providing affordable mediation services. We offer several packages designed to meet your mediation needs. We recommend that you utilize packages that include preparation for filing with the court for enforceability reasons.
You can mediate several issues such as property division, child support, parenting time, legal decision-making, and more including enforcement issues or modification of parenting time or terms and conditions regarding your parenting plan. This is not an exhaustive list of options.
We have two certified mediators, Angela and Wendy. Angela is also a collaboratively trained attorney and has been practicing family law since 2009. Wendy has years of experience as Angela’s assistant and speaks fluent Spanish.
Angela’s litigation rate is currently $400 an hour, however, for mediation Angela’s rate is $300.
Wendy’s mediation rate is currently $150 an hour and focuses on our Spanish-speaking community.
We ask for a deposit at the time of scheduling that is equivalent to three (3) hours.
Estamos comprometidos a brindar servicios de mediación accesibles. Ofrecemos varios paquetes diseñados para satisfacer sus necesidades de mediación. Le recomendamos que utilice paquetes que incluyan la preparación del documento para la presentación ante el tribunal y así cumplir con la responsabilidad legal y por motivos de aplicabilidad.
Puede mediar en varios asuntos, como división de propiedad, manutención de los hijos, horario de crianza, toma de decisiones legales y más, incluidas cuestiones de cumplimiento o modificación del horario de crianza o términos y condiciones relacionados con su plan de crianza. Esta no es una lista exhaustiva de opciones.
Contamos con dos mediadoras certificadas, Angela y Wendy. Angela también es una abogada capacitada en colaboración y practica el derecho de familia desde 2009. Wendy tiene años de experiencia como asistente de Angela y habla español con fluidez.
La tarifa de litigio de Angela es actualmente de $400 por hora, sin embargo, para la mediación la tarifa de Angela es de $300.
La tarifa de mediación de Wendy’s es actualmente de $150 por hora y se enfoca en nuestra comunidad de habla hispana.
Se solicita un depósito de tres (3) horas al momento de agendar.
Why Choose A Mediation Attorney?
There are reasons people choose to mediate their divorce versus litigating their divorce. You need to weigh those for yourself and decide whether or not mediation will better suit you.
I offer an interesting perspective because I am a Phoenix divorce lawyer and litigator. On the other hand, when my first marriage ended it concluded by mediation. In the interest of reasonable disclosure, my ex-husband and I did not seek formal mediation but rather mediated between ourselves. That being said, it was a mediated divorce. In addition, I regretted proceeding in that manner. My divorce had very different facts and circumstances than most clients I work with, so you must take your facts and circumstances into account when weighing your options.
One obvious benefit to mediation is usually cost. A litigated divorce, depending on the issues, can reach $18,000 per party. However, I have seen some mediators charge $400 or more per hour. Another cost to consider is your emotional well-being and mental health. Litigation is difficult emotionally and adds to the stress of a divorce.
Alternatively, a husband or wife may push for mediation because they have consulted an attorney and know or believe that they have more exposure to litigation, such as paying spousal maintenance.
Mediation is private, whereas litigation is not. All pleadings and orders become public information. If you decide to mediate and full agreements are not reached, then you will proceed to litigation. If you reach full agreements, they must be reduced to writing, and submitted to the court for review and approval.
About Us
Family Law, Divorce Law & Child Custody Attorney
Angela Enholm graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Illinois. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice. While attending U of I she was employed at a prosecutor’s office in Illinois in a non-attorney capacity. As a result of this experience, she decided to attend law school. Angela received her Juris Doctorate Degree from Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Lansing, Michigan. Prior to graduating, she moved to Phoenix and completed an externship at one of Arizona’s largest criminal defense law firms. As a result of this experience, she decided to focus on Family Law. Angela is married and has one daughter who is attending law school at DePaul. Angela enjoys traveling and participating in community events in and around Phoenix.
After years of litigation support and observing how the judicial system operates, I decided to become a certified mediator to help Arizona families resolve conflict without the need for court intervention. As a legal assistant with Enholm Law, I saw first-hand the turmoil and expense litigation created. Most of the cases had one thing in common, confidence that the judge would “see it their way”. For many reasons, that generally is not the case. Everyone has their own perspective, including the judge. I believe in the process of mediation. While there may be no perfect solution, mediation is a better option than going to court. I am excited to assist our community in reaching agreements that fit their needs versus having a judge decide for you and your children. Because I am fluent in Spanish my focus is on this community. I feel that this provides a great solution to a portion of our community that cannot afford expensive litigation. I understand our community needs and I’m passionate about helping people to communicate across divides, resolve disagreements, and build ideal agreements that address the needs of the parties involved. As a parent, I understand the importance of reaching a mutually beneficial agreement when children are involved. This will enhance the relationship between the parties, who will have to co-parent for the rest of the children’s lives. As a notary public, I facilitate the execution of the agreement and the signing of the same. As a mediator, it is not my role to provide legal advice or impose my own views on the parties involved. Rather, my job is to assist the parties in reaching a mutually agreed-upon resolution through open and constructive communication. To achieve this, I ensure that all parties have the opportunity to express their perspectives, positions, and interests.