Anthem Spousal Maintenance Lawyer

Anthem Spousal Maintenance Lawyer

Working with an Anthem spousal maintenance attorney during a divorce in Arizona is one of the best possible ways to ensure that you receive the alimony you are entitled to, or to prevent overpaying alimony to the person you are divorcing from. The spousal maintenance eligibility requirements in Arizona are outlined in Arizona Revised Statute (ARS) 25-319 and Alimony is awarded at the sole discretion of the court. If a marriage has been of short duration, or if the spouse seeking alimony has the ability to be financially self-sufficient, spousal maintenance is rarely awarded in these cases. Contacting an experienced Anthem spousal maintenance attorney who will aggressively advocate your case is your best possible chance to protect your rights and receive the ruling you deserve.

Spousal maintenance evaluations by the court take into consideration factors ranging from the age of the spouses and the length of the marriage, to the financial, emotional and physical health of the two parties involved. Typically, spousal maintenance is viewed as a equalizing factor in a divorce and working with a skilled Anthem spousal maintenance attorney can help you to navigate the often turbulent waters that are churned up during this phase of a divorce trial. Unlike child support, spousal maintenance is not regulated by extensive documentation in the law and is often up to the sole discretion of the judge presiding over the trial.

When awarded, spousal maintenance can be paid as a lump sum payment which is typically seen in cases where the divorce is amicable and the couple agrees on this one-time payment as part of the divorce settlement. Spousal maintenance can be awarded on a temporary basis, and this is usually seen as part of the temporary orders hearing and can last until the evidentiary hearing of the trial. Most often, we see spousal maintenance payments on a monthly basis for a fixed period of time and designed to help one spouse to transition from being financially incapable of supporting themselves to becoming financially independent of the other spouse.

There is no replacement for the solid advice and representation of an experienced, trial tested, Anthem spousal maintenance attorney. At Enholm Law, PLLC, we promise up-front fee structures that are affordable, constant contact with our clients and a concise case strategy that will see you through the final phases of your divorce.

Contact us at (602)889-6273 to arrange a case evaluation and to work with the best Anthem spousal maintenance attorney to handle your legal needs.
